de kwantitatieve dienst was founded in september 2008 by Chiel Bakkeren.
Chiel graduated from TU Delft with a Master in Applied Mathematics (1983) at the Statistics, Stochastics and Operations Research group.
Since then he worked as an analyst and quantitative advisor in TNO, Shell and ABN AMRO.
In a multitude of domains Chiel’s advisory work has led to the optimisation of processes: logistics, marketing, production, finance, actuarial problems, credit acceptance, HR, option pricing, payment behaviour, credit risk, validation of Basel II risk models, Anti Money Laundering, fraud detection, performance comparison, ‘data mining’ and ‘missing data’ problems,
The advisory work included the whole spectrum from acquisition, problem definition, analysis & modelling, solution and implementation until reporting, documentation, training and aftercare.
Chiel has led several teams of Data Scientists and other quantitative analysts at ABN AMRO, eBay/Marktplaats, Assensia, DAS and ING.
Used techniques among others: multivariate statistics, simulation, Lineair/ Mixed Integer programming, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning techniques. Software: R, Python, SAS, MATLAB and Excel/VB.

Chiel is married and is father of a daughter (1992) and a son (1996).
He likes to spend his free time in nature, hiking, cycling, sailing, camping and photographing.
As an IVN nature guide he has led many excursions, and has given presentations and courses for adults and children.